The debate was okay.
It seems like they've talked about the same things over and over and over again.
Obama, of course, talked for 5 minutes (okay, maybe it wasn't quite 5 minutes...but it seemed like it) about "his opposition to the Iraq war."
Whatever that's worth.
I REALLY wish Hillary would call him out on that. I guess she's being advised not to since it would require her to admit to making a mistake.
Heaven forbid a politician admit to making a mistake, let alone actually make one!
Oh and the health care issue. So confusing. The economics of it are so....boring, I must admit. Why can't they just say, "Poof! Everyone gets health care!"
I went right over to to get everything straight. (LOVE Fact Check!)
Here is their report on it....they make it as straight forward (and non-biased) as possible.
It is thundering and sleeting here in Little Rock and I am ready for the weekend!
Nothing I can say....

Did everyone catch the Total Lunar Eclipse last night?!
Yeah, me neither.
Damn those overcast skies!
The next time we will "see" one is 2010...I'll be 30 with (maybe / hopefully / no way in hell) a kid (or two) and will probably be too exhausted to go outside at that god-forsaken hour...clouds or no.
Big dilemma tonight: watch the debate on or watch Lost? Its a toughie but I think we've decided to watch the debate and record Lost for a later viewing.
Happy debate-ing!
First this:
And now this:
After the first one hit, you'd think he would have said something like, "Oh, and I might have plagiarized other speeches as well."
But he didn't....which, to me, is the most disconcerting part about all of this.
Not so much because he was less-than-honest (let's face it...ALL politicians fudge the truth now and then) but because it shows his naivete / hubris / arrogance.
Because obviously he knew he had done it. He just didn't think the press would pick up on it.
But the press almost always picks up on stupid things like this.
Just ask Bill Clinton.
And now this:
After the first one hit, you'd think he would have said something like, "Oh, and I might have plagiarized other speeches as well."
But he didn't....which, to me, is the most disconcerting part about all of this.
Not so much because he was less-than-honest (let's face it...ALL politicians fudge the truth now and then) but because it shows his naivete / hubris / arrogance.
Because obviously he knew he had done it. He just didn't think the press would pick up on it.
But the press almost always picks up on stupid things like this.
Just ask Bill Clinton.
No politics for today's post. No bitching. No ranting. No raving. No complaining.
So, what to talk about....
I made banana bread yesterday. It was good. I used the Kitchen-Aid stand mixer that I got for my wedding / Christmas. That was also good. I felt like Barefoot Contessa.
(Only, my Kitchen-Aid mixer is orange while Barefoot's is white. Borrring.)
I also made lentil loaf. It was good. I'm trying to get a good base of recipes in my repertoire that I can make on a whim. So far I have:
1. Lentil loaf
2. Spaghetti with "Neatballs" and Red Sauce
3. "Not-Turkey-Roast" with Rosemary Polenta
4. Asparagus, Pepper, Cashew & Pineapple Stir-Fry
Yea! I almost have a work-week's worth of recipes under my belt! Also good.
If I can build it up to 10 recipes/2 work-weeks then I'll be better-than-good. I'll be a regular Donna Reed.
(Incidentally, when I was younger I wanted to name my kids Jeff and Mary. So that I could yell up the stairs, "Jeff, Mary, clean your rooms!" a la Mrs Reed.)
Let's see, what else.
Valentine's Day came early this year when Adam brought me home a bunch of daisies and chocolate on Thursday. Then, we went to our neighborhood's "First Thursday" which is when all the shops/art galleries stay open late. And give away free food. And free wine.
I was all over it.
For the actual V-Day we have reservations at Ciao Baci, a neighborhood restaurant that (allegedly) has good vegetarian fare. Even better, it is literally around the block from our apartment. So we can walk and drink copious amounts of....whatever. Yea!
So, that is my life sans politics, bitching, rantings, ravings, and complaining.
All in all, it's pretty good.
So, what to talk about....
I made banana bread yesterday. It was good. I used the Kitchen-Aid stand mixer that I got for my wedding / Christmas. That was also good. I felt like Barefoot Contessa.
(Only, my Kitchen-Aid mixer is orange while Barefoot's is white. Borrring.)
I also made lentil loaf. It was good. I'm trying to get a good base of recipes in my repertoire that I can make on a whim. So far I have:
1. Lentil loaf
2. Spaghetti with "Neatballs" and Red Sauce
3. "Not-Turkey-Roast" with Rosemary Polenta
4. Asparagus, Pepper, Cashew & Pineapple Stir-Fry
Yea! I almost have a work-week's worth of recipes under my belt! Also good.
If I can build it up to 10 recipes/2 work-weeks then I'll be better-than-good. I'll be a regular Donna Reed.
(Incidentally, when I was younger I wanted to name my kids Jeff and Mary. So that I could yell up the stairs, "Jeff, Mary, clean your rooms!" a la Mrs Reed.)
Let's see, what else.
Valentine's Day came early this year when Adam brought me home a bunch of daisies and chocolate on Thursday. Then, we went to our neighborhood's "First Thursday" which is when all the shops/art galleries stay open late. And give away free food. And free wine.
I was all over it.
For the actual V-Day we have reservations at Ciao Baci, a neighborhood restaurant that (allegedly) has good vegetarian fare. Even better, it is literally around the block from our apartment. So we can walk and drink copious amounts of....whatever. Yea!
So, that is my life sans politics, bitching, rantings, ravings, and complaining.
All in all, it's pretty good.
Tornadoes, Politicians and Power Outtages
Rest assured, all is well on the home front.
We were a bit battered yesterday but had nowhere near the harrowing experience that the communities of Atkins, Mountain View and Clinton, Arkansas endured.
This is the first time in a long time that I can remember so many deaths in Arkansas due to a tornado.
Our power went out but we were able to stay at my parents' house since they magically still had power. We have been living in our new apartment for all of 2.5 months and this is the third time we've dealt with a power outtage.
If that doesn't make you want to go off-the-grid, I don't know what will.
Despite the craziness, the polls remained open. And it looks like Clinton did well in the Super Tuesday primaries despite the fact that everyone and their brother in the media kept predicting that Obama would make a sweep.
She even got Massachusetts despite the fact that every Kerry, Kennedy and their brother endorsed Obama.
(For someone who is supposed to be "anti-establishment", Obama certainly has a lot of "establishment" endorsements.)
I received an email from one of my readers who, among other things, accused me of being racist and close-minded in my lack of support for Obama.
Here is my "defense" against stupid allegations:
1. I initially supported Obama. My support was primarily based on his speeches which are, needless to say, rousing.
However, when I went to his website and read his platforms, I realized that they are very similar to Clinton's. In the areas where they differ, I agree more with Clinton.
2. A vote for Clinton does not equal a vote for racism. Just as a vote for Obama does not equal a vote for sexism. They are simply people running for office. Their race and/or gender does not enter in it for me.
(I would suggest that those who assume so are the true "racists" or "sexists.")
3. I get pissy whenever I hear Obama say that he didn't "vote for the war in Iraq." No shit. He didn't have a vote. He wasn't in the Senate.
I am, and have always been, very anti-Iraq-war. I have been verbally attacked because of my stance on the war which makes me sensitive to anyone being similarly attacked...even if it is for a stance that is opposite my own.
That was the past. I'm so sick of talking about the past....get over it already. We went to war. It was a HUGE mistake. Period.
But, since we can't change the past, what are we going to do now? I think Clinton's Iraq-withdrawal plan is far more detailed than Obama's.
4. I don't think Obama knows the first thing about being President. As I said before, his speeches are rousing but where is the substance? What has he actually done? What will he actually do?
I think he needs to be VP for 4-8 years first. Then, I'll vote for him for President. No problem.
5. Neither Clinton nor Obama satisfy my environmental prerequisites for a candidate. But then, I'm used to that. It always seems to be "cross your fingers and hope for the best" whenever the environment and politics mix.
6. Obama keeps saying that Clinton will rouse the Republican base. He says she is a divider. She'll make people angry.
I say, too bad. Now is not the time to worry about stepping on people's toes. Sometimes, there is a right and a wrong. Sometimes, you are going to make enemies. And, sometimes, it is worth it.
And, honestly, if the Democrats can't handle a bunch of angry Republicans then they have no business being in power.
Those are my reasons. I've made up mind. I've voted. Call me a racist if you must but I hope that, at the end of the day, you VOTE!
So, who watched the Super Bowl last night?

After last week's decidedly estrogen-centric post, I'm adding a little (very little) testosterone to the mix this Monday.
I watched most of the game and I was thrilled the Giants won. I wanted them to win for the following reasons:
1. I always root for the underdog (unless they are playing the Razorbacks)
2. I think Tom Brady is a cad
3. I think Eli Manning is not-a-cad
4. I like the Giants' mascot better
So much for testosterone!
Those are quite possibly the four girliest reasons I've seen for rooting for a particular sports team. But they are mine and I won't take them back.
Before the game, I told myself that if my unlikely Super Bowl pick did not win it would mean that my Super Tuesday pick would win.
My fear now is that the inverse will be true.

After last week's decidedly estrogen-centric post, I'm adding a little (very little) testosterone to the mix this Monday.
I watched most of the game and I was thrilled the Giants won. I wanted them to win for the following reasons:
1. I always root for the underdog (unless they are playing the Razorbacks)
2. I think Tom Brady is a cad
3. I think Eli Manning is not-a-cad
4. I like the Giants' mascot better
So much for testosterone!
Those are quite possibly the four girliest reasons I've seen for rooting for a particular sports team. But they are mine and I won't take them back.
Before the game, I told myself that if my unlikely Super Bowl pick did not win it would mean that my Super Tuesday pick would win.
My fear now is that the inverse will be true.
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