
A car, a little bit of Ice Cube and some popcorn

Memorial Day weekend here was a little uneventful but still nice. Saturday was warm and sunny (I got a little sunburn!) but the rest of the weekend was overcast, rainy and chilly. Bleargh.

We spent Saturday day hanging out in the garden. Rather, I was hanging out. Adam was actually working in the garden. Ah well. The main objective of my day was to move my chair to the sunny spots when I got cold and then move it back in to the shade when I got too hot. It was very complicated.

Saturday night we went to the drive-in. I love drive-ins. My car is a great drive-in car because we can put the seats down, pile it up with blankets and pillows, open the hatchback and lie down to watch the double-feature. We also brought enough food to feed an army in a blizzard for a month.

I don't understand why but, at a drive-in, you'll see movies you would never see otherwise. For instance, on Saturday we saw "Are We Done Yet" and "Spiderman 3." The first movie (featuring Ice Cube) was absolutely awful. The story made no sense, the characters were annoying and the song that played as the credits rolled sounded like Jungle Fever . I, of course, was then stuck to Junlge Fever for the rest of the night. Not a good song to be stuck to and for that reason alone, I hated this movie.

But it was okay because we were at the drive-in!

Spiderman 3 was a little better but I still don't really understand why people love these movies so much. All of the movies based on "graphic novels" (everyone knows they are just comic books) are kind of lost on me. What I want to know is why they haven't made a movie based on Archie yet. I read those comic books a lot growing up and I loved them! They have love, humor, suspense and adventure....now that's a movie I'd gladly see whether it be at a drive-in or otherwise.

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