
All sorts of stuff going on in the Flowers/McEvoy household this past week.

First of all, we booked our honeymoon spot. Yahoo! We're going to St Lucia in the Caribbean. I'm going to have a problem telling people where we are going because I have issues with the word Lucia (repeat: st loo-sha not st lucy-a) and the word Caribbean (when I was little my family thought it was "cute" that I pronounced Caribbean with an exaggerated southern accent. Now I can't say it the "normal" way). Anyway, I'm excited. After Ad made the reservations, I asked him if we could change it to next week instead of November.

He said no. Damn him.

Friday evening we met up with some friends at the Avalon. This place rocks and is just down the street from our apartment. It is an arcade/movie theater but I should say that, although it did smell like a 13-year old boy, the crowd there was primarily of the over 25 sort. You pay $2.50 for admission and most of the games cost 10 cents! You could win tickets at most of the games and let me just say that when it comes to ski-ball...I still got it!

At the end of the night, Ad and I combined our tickets to get:

1. a plastic fan
2. a skeleton head key chain
3. a whoopie cushion
4. a harmonica.

Our friends decided they were going to save up their tickets to try to get a beach ball. Borrrring.

On the other hand:

1. I broke the fan because I opened/closed it too much
2. the whoopie cushion doesn't make noise
3. the harmonica is wooden and leaves splinters in your lips when you try to play it
4. I think one of our cats ate the skeleton head key chain.

Oh well.

Sunday we met up with our friends Kyle and Cory (and their new baby Marley) for ice cream. They are moving back to Montana this week so it was the last time for us to get together. I'm sad...they are good friends. That's the bad thing about Portland---most people are here temporarily. Our other good "couple" friend Annie and Dave are moving back home this fall.

We need to replenish our friend coffers and I still need a couple of good girlfriends (or gay guy friends...or straight guy friends who would be willing to go shopping with me and watch crappy romantic comedies...I'm not picky). Any takers?

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