
Hot hot hot

I am currently spread out on my hardwood floor, eating rapidly warming Rainier cherries (yum), with all my windows open and my one fan pointed in my direction. My cats are next to me in much the same fashion...only, they aren't eating cherries.

It is H-O-T here in Portland.

Mind you, it isn't as hot as it was growing up in Little Rock. It isn't even humid and there is a breeze blowing every once in a while.

But it is still hot.

And we have no air conditioning and not even the hope of a quick afternoon storm.

The lack of AC in most residences, and a startling number of businesses, seemed quaint to this southern girl upon arrival in Portland 2 years ago.

I vaguely remember grabbing Adam's hand and saying, "Isn't it cool? They don't have AC because they don't need AC! I love it!"

But it isn't cool. It is hot.

And what once seemed quaint now just seems crazy.

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