
I don't heart Huckabee

I have a confession to make: I'm from Arkansas. Now here's another: I'm proud to be from Arkansas. I love my home state, its people, its food and its atmosphere.

That pride has been put to the test with the emergence of Mike Huckabee (our former Governor) as a Republican Presidential candidate. While ole' Mike was governor we all knew he had aspirations for the White House. He's been power hungry from when he was Lt Governor and lead the impeachment against his superior, Governor Jim Guy Tucker, which resulted in Tucker's resignation. His sights on the White House became sharper once he lost all of that weight. For some reason weight loss = Presidential material.

When he first announced that he would run I didn't really take it seriously. Mainly because I can't take him seriously. I figured he wouldn't get enough support/money/attention and then he'd go on his merry way and write another book.

But then I see him on the Republican debate and damn if he doesn't seem actually serious about running. It just makes me want to run in the opposite direction and hide. This guy doesn't even believe in evolution!

Now, I truly think that a person's religious beliefs should not have anything to do with whether or not they would make a good President. However, I have to really question the intelligence of a person who believes in "Creationism" or "Intelligent Design." It shows an ability to ignore all scientific evidence and common sense. I certainly don't believe that science has all the answers and I don't think that the theory of evolution is complete....but I do think it is the most plausible option.

I'd be willing to bet money that Huckabee has never read any thing Darwin wrote whereas most people know the story from the Bible. In what other areas would a "creationist" President ignore one-half of the story while blindly clinging to his own beliefs? That is what scares me the most.

I love Arkansas but I will gladly say that this country (and this world) is not ready for another Arkansan President in 2008.

But maybe someone who used to live in Arkansas with her then-governor husband. (ahem)


Val said...

I am actually more scared of Brownback than Huckabee. Another non-evolution believer. He wrote some piece in the NYtimes last week trying to spin his non belief, it didn't work on me.

I officially stated the other night if Brownback wins the presidency I am moving out of this country, and maybe I should add Huckabee to that list as well.

Luckily I think these two don't stand much of a chance!

Anonymous said...

Amen! I typically wear my Arkansan badge up here in the big O-HI-O, but when Huckabee starts talking, I take off my razorback red and even hide my Southern accent a bit! The US would be a scary place with him as president.

flower in hand said...

Brownback is incredibly ridiculous as well. Let's just all keep our fingers crossed that they don't gain any legitimacy.

Val, do you have a blog too?! It seems like everyone and their brother has a blog!