
Turns out, I am not a chatty Cathy

The only downside to my new job is that there is an office-wide chat which is used, extensively, by everyone. And, despite the fact that I came-of-age during the "internet revolution" I have very little experience with chat.

I do not chat. I do not text.

I don't even understand the allure of "texting." (And, I hate hate hate the word "texting" so I refuse to use it from here on out in this entry.) I know people who are addicted to it and do it all the time. But, I ask you, couldn't a person carry on an actual conversation with someone instead of swapping little sentence snippets back and forth on a tiny cell phone screen?

I don't get it.

So, because I have little experience with chat and I do not text, I find myself a little bit behind the curve in the at-work chat room. Despite the fact that my blog is riddled with grammatical errors, I refuse to say things like, "How R U?"

It honestly gives me chills.

So my conversations with fellow employees look something like this:

Co-Worker: "how ru" (I spend some time figuring out what "ru" means.)

Me: "I am great! What are you up to?"

Co-Worker: "nm" (I think, New Mexico?)

Me: "So, another day another dollar, huh?! (Because, honestly, how do I respond to "nm"?)

Co-Worker: "Sorry, aak. let me know if u need hlp. syal"

Me: "AAK? Is that a sorority or were you startled?

Co-Worker: LOL (Finally...one that I know! Although, if you aren't "laughing out loud" then aren't you just smiling?)

Me: Ha, ha, ha! (I have no idea what is so funny but I refuse to 'LOL')

Needless to say, after this conversation (and many others), I am exhausted and I have no idea what I have just talked about. I guarantee that eventually I will inadvertently insult someone or agree to do some heinous task.

But at least I'll do it in complete sentences.


Val said...

Haha! I can't stand the text and IM abbreviations. And I do use both a lot but I'm a fan of typing out the words. I cant help you with "aak" or "syal", I have no clue what those mean. Anyways glad you got a new job, even though its a secret!

flower in hand said...

I asked the co-worker in question and apparently:

AAK = Asleep At the Keyboard
SYAL = See You At Lunch

I guess I shouldn't have said that I'm unfamiliar with chat, because do you remember when we used to chat senior year of college? When we all lived in the same house?! Pathetic. But at least we didn't use abbreviations!

Val said...

Haha!! Those were good times but yes that was a little pathetic. I remember freshman year my roommate and I would IM to each other in those small Montauk dorms! But yes at least we did not use abbreviations.