
Lucky Number 12?

I am happy to say that I have finally re-joined the ranks of the permanently employed. Which somewhat accounts for my absence on this blog. I won't say where I work because I've heard of people getting in trouble for "work blogging" and I really want to keep this job until grad school in a year. (Fingers crossed)

I will say that I have to get up at an ungodly hour for this new job because I have an early shift.

I'm talking still-dark early.

Before the birds start chirping-early.

My fellow commuters are street cleaners, trash collectors and long-haul truckers.

But the upswing is that I also get out very early so my fellow commuters are...nonexistent! They are at lunch.

Other benefits of this job include:
1. The total lack of "animal rescuers"
2. A fun and laid back office (free beer on Friday afternoons....whilst still at work!)
3. BENEFITS (something this non-profit girl needed desperately)
4. It is within walking distance of a local non-profit where I've been wanting to volunteer (okay, I couldn't cut them off completely)

During all of this upheaval and change, Adam noticed a "12" on the ring finger of his right hand. At least it looked like a 12 to us. Take a look at the picture and see if you notice it. (Also note the appalling state of Adam's hands. I guess that is what happens when you are a farmer...)

Here are some possible reasons for the 12:
1. He will have 12 children (god, I hope not)
2. He will have 12 wives (also, not a good thing)
3. He will win 12 million dollars (that should just about cover college loans)
4. Something monumental will happen in December...of any year.

Before we could say for certain what the 12 meant, it disappeared. As long as it doesn't start counting down, I'm okay with it.

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