
Huck Fuckabee

I know, I haven't posted in months and now I'm about to post twice in one day. But watching Mike Huckabee on Leno tonight has spurred me to action.

The unbelievable rise of Huckabee in the past month has been a seriously disturbing development for me and many other Arkansans. I cannot quite believe that he has suddenly become so popular. And that people are actually considering voting for the guy! It is absurd!

I can't even begin to list my reasons for hating Mike Huckabee and all he stands for. Wouldn't know whether to start with his bigotry, his ignorance or his self-importance. So, I'll let Max Brantley of the Arkansas Times do it for me. Read this article....you won't find any of this information in the mainstream media.

And after you read it...share it. Because we simply cannot have another four (or, good heavens, eight!) years of someone unwilling to take responsibility for their mistakes.

Because if Mike Huckabee becomes president there will be mistakes aplenty.

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