

First this:

And now this:

After the first one hit, you'd think he would have said something like, "Oh, and I might have plagiarized other speeches as well."

But he didn't....which, to me, is the most disconcerting part about all of this.

Not so much because he was less-than-honest (let's face it...ALL politicians fudge the truth now and then) but because it shows his naivete / hubris / arrogance.

Because obviously he knew he had done it. He just didn't think the press would pick up on it.

But the press almost always picks up on stupid things like this.

Just ask Bill Clinton.


Val said...

I think those whole plagiarism thing is a bit silly. Deval Patrick and Obama are friends and share ideas. I really don't think its a big deal.

Its a bit hypocritical for Hillary be accusing Obama of copying someone else and not having his own ideas when she has repeatedly used Obama's phrases. She started with the change message after him, and shes says "fire it up" "ready to go" and now "yes we can".

The main point is focus on the issues and on how to make America better. Thats more important than who stole something someone else says. Petty politics will not help anyone in the general election or in this one.

flower in hand said...

I totally agree with you that it is petty.

However, in the past, petty things have become significant.

Remember Dean's scream? Or the Swift Boaters?

Totally unfounded, irrelevant and ridiculous. BUT those events broke their respective campaigns.

What I'm worried about is the fact that Obama didn't see the 2nd one coming.

If he goes up against McCain, he's going to have to anticipate these attacks and defend himself against them.

(And it seems to me that every non-incumbent President going back to at least my birth has used the "change" argument. Including Bush. I think both Clinton and Obama should stop using it. It is over-played.)