
So, who watched the Super Bowl last night?

After last week's decidedly estrogen-centric post, I'm adding a little (very little) testosterone to the mix this Monday.

I watched most of the game and I was thrilled the Giants won. I wanted them to win for the following reasons:

1. I always root for the underdog (unless they are playing the Razorbacks)
2. I think Tom Brady is a cad
3. I think Eli Manning is not-a-cad
4. I like the Giants' mascot better

So much for testosterone!

Those are quite possibly the four girliest reasons I've seen for rooting for a particular sports team. But they are mine and I won't take them back.

Before the game, I told myself that if my unlikely Super Bowl pick did not win it would mean that my Super Tuesday pick would win.

My fear now is that the inverse will be true.

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