
Know your Aunt Flo

Attention Men. Do not read this particular post. It has information for women and will (probably) gross you out.

I have never been able to keep track of my menstrual cycle. Whenever I go to the doctor, and they ask the inevitable 'when was your last period,' I have to give a ball-park figure. If it weren't for PMS, I would be utterly surprised when my period actually started.

I've always been somewhat in awe of women who know, practically to the hour, when their last period started and when their next period is expected. For a brief while, I tried putting stars on the Big Day on my calendar.

Then I realized that I don't actually look at my calendar that often. So it didn't really work.

I am happy to say that those days are long gone.

Today, in my spare time, I found this marvelous website.

You enter the first date of your last 2 periods (lucky for me those days were Christmas Day and last Tuesday...thus easy to remember) and then it will send you an email to alert you of your upcoming period.

You can set it up so that it will send an email up to 10 days before your period. I chose to receive the email 1 day before because, honestly, I dread it enough already.

And, when it is time to start trying for a little one, I can have it send me an email 1 day before my most fertile day(s).

This modern technology. Finally it is put to a good use.

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