
I am GRE'd

The GRE is over!

Aaand, I surpassed my goal by 10 whole points!

Probably the most difficult obstacle I faced on the morning of the test was figuring out what to wear. The GRE material said to wear something comfortable but to also wear layers in case the room was cold or hot.

Comfortable and layers. To me, those terms are mutually exclusive.

I've never figured out the whole layering thing. The spring and fall seasons wreck havoc on my sense of style and my body temperature.

If you try to wear an outer lay that will fit over other layers, the outer layer is too big.

If you try to wear non-bulky inner layers so that the outer layer fits without being too big, then the inner layers are too small.

It's too confusing!

So, I ended up going to the GRE looking like a bag lady with pajamas. But that's okay since I wasn't there to win any fashion awards. I was simply there to take a test, survive that test, and pass that test.

And I accomplished all three of those goals.

And then I celebrated with Mexican food and sangria.

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