
Snow Snow Snow

I woke up this morning and peered out the window to see snow.

On the ground.

On the street.

On the cars.

Falling from the sky.

Since this is Little Rock and I work for the government, I somewhat smugly (and quite happily) turned on the TV to verify my assumption that work would be canceled.

Well, we all know what happens when we assume.

Not one Little Rock school was closed. Ditto for the State Government.

No worries...it was just 6am. Surely in about 30 minutes or so they will come to their senses and cancel everything.

And so my morning went in 20-30 minute increments.

1. Fall asleep.

2. Wake up and turn on the TV.

3. Frown (scream / pound my pillow / weep) and go back to sleep.

Until finally, at 7:15ish, I had to face the fact that the city would remain open.

I was shocked!

When I was in school, everything would be canceled at the drop of one flake. One time in high school, classes were canceled because of a chance (a chance!) of freezing rain.

Needless to say, it didn't freezing rain that day....it just rained. And it was awesome.

But no. We all had to schlep to work like a bunch of idiots.

And was I in my nice, comfortable, all-wheel-drive Subaru? No. I was in my finicky, wet / cold, slide-on-dry-pavement Volkswagen.

And you want to know who I blame for this sudden shift in thinking?

Yankees. Northerners. Westerners. Not-Southerners.

They move here for jobs, retirement or what-have-you and they bring their studded tires, their tire chain thingies and their shovels. And, before you know it, everyone starts to think that it is okay to go to work when the whole sky is cascading down in snow flakes.

But we're Southerners! We don't drive in snow. We play in it.

We don't shovel sidewalks. We wait a day or two until the sun comes out, the temperature jumps to 70 and it melts on its own.

If we have to contend with tornadoes, Redneck jokes, earthquakes and Bible-Belters....the least we can get is one sweet snow day!

So my message is this: if you move to the South, leave your crazy "I'll drive in a blizzard and like it" attitude at home.

(Note: Luckily, the Yankee I married was just as appalled at the thought of going to work today. It could be on account of the fact that he stayed up till 3am playing the Wii last night. But I'd like to think it was the snow.)

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