
Penelope and Vocabulary

We saw Penelope last night and it was so good. Probably the best movie I've seen in a while. Perhaps I liked it so much because I, too, have the nose of a pig and a huge forehead like Christina Ricci.

And I'm in love with a McEvoy (or McAvoy...whatever).

Plus, the music was really good. I'm not sure of any of the artists...as Adam can attest to since I kept leaning over to him and asking, "Who sings this?" or "I like this song...who is it?"

Adam, who is usually my music encyclopedia, unfortunately did not know any of the artists either.

And since neither one of us could stay until the end of the credits due to the large amounts of liquid consumed during the movie, I will have to remain in the dark for the foreseeable future.

Today is kind of cloudy and gross which actually works to my advantage since I'm supposed to be studying for the GRE.

The GRE that I'm taking this coming Saturday.

The GRE that doesn't allow calculators.

The GRE that could make or break my graduate school application process.

But, I'm not suffering from a neurasthenia or anything.

(neura=nerves / asthenia=loss of strength / neurasthenia=loss of strength of nerves= loss of nerves)

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