
So, I took Ellen's advice and went to the websites of the 2 candidates I care about (Clinton and Obama) to see what their stance is on the issue.

Unfortunately, neither candidate has anything about gay rights in the "issue" section of their websites.

But after some Googling, I discovered that both candidates want to repeal the "don't ask, don't tell" policy in the military. Yea!

Both are against hate crimes and workplace discrimination. Yea!

Both are pro-civil unions instead of gay marriage. Booo.

However, there is one BIG difference in their stance on gay marriage.

Obama is against gay marriage because...well, here's just a direct quote he gave to the Chicago Tribune:

"I'm a Christian. And so, although I try not to have my religious beliefs dominate or determine my political views on this issue, I do believe that tradition, and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman."

Clinton isn't so much anti-gay marriage as she is pro-civil unions.

She has said that she believes civil unions have a greater likelihood of passing into law and providing equal rights than do gay marriages.

However, she has also said she would not stand in the way of gay marriages, which makes me think she isn't against them morally.

It's interesting that Obama's stance is so conservative. Indeed, as far as gay marriage is concerned, there isn't much difference between him and Mike Huckabee.

Granted, Obama does believe in civil unions and gay rights (which Huckabee, obviously, doesn't) but the underlying feeling is the same.

In both of their minds, God doesn't condone same sex relationships. The Bible doesn't condone same sex relationships.

I wonder in what other areas Obama allows his religious ideas to permeate into his civil actions.

It brings to mind all of his "not-present" votes he gave on abortion issues while in the Illinois Senate...

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