
Make A Second Better

This weekend was crappy overall. I had to work both Saturday and Sunday and it wasn't the "it feels good to be useful" type of work. It was more along the lines of "if one more person says something negative I'm going to slit my wrist with a plastic spoon" type of work.

When I came home today, I had a large gulp of this to bring me back to earth. Ordinarily, I don't "gulp" wine. I sip it...while enjoying a delicious meal. That was not the case today but, nonetheless, it was delicious and I highly recommend it. (How's that for a wine review?)

Somewhere in all this craziness, I was able to sneak in some fun. (If your version of fun is sitting through a 3-hour long Quentin Tarantino inside joke.) But Adam really wanted to see Grindhouse and since he saw Pride and Prejudice several times with me, I felt it was only right to return the favor. In retrospect, I think I went a little overboard in my generosity. Love can make you do foolish things.

We were also able to go over to our friends' house to see their new-ish baby. You know your weekend was bad when the most relaxing thing you did was hold a crying baby in your arms.

But I'm being whiny and I hate being whiny. At the end of the day (or in this case, the weekend) I'm sitting here in my favorite comfy pants with the best guy a girl could ask for and my cats on either side of me. So life is good, all in all, and I'll close with a quote from my favorite author.

"There will be little rubs and disappointments everywhere, and we are all apt to expect too much; but then, if one scheme of happiness fails, human nature turns to another, if the first calculation is wrong, we make a second better: we find comfort somewhere."
---Mansfield Park

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