
First Night of Summer and a New Obsession

Thursday was the first official day of summer and that night we decided to celebrate accordingly. We went with our friends Annie and Dave to the first home game of the Portland Timbers, Portland's professional soccer team.

Mind you, I know very little about soccer and I've never been to a Timbers game before.

I've never had more fun on a school night!

We took the bus over to PGE Park downtown. We are lucky enough to live a block away from the #15 line which goes straight to downtown. (Have I mentioned how much I love our apartment?)

Annie and Dave had been to a Timbers game before so they knew exactly where to sit...next to the Army section. Not the United States Army but the Portland Timbers Army.

These guys (because it is mostly guys with just a sprinkling of girls) go to every Timbers game and act like regular soccer hooligans. They have a litany of songs, cheers, chants and taunts and I was lucky enough to catch some of the phrases:

1. "There's no pity in Rose City." (Rose City=Portland. This is said when a player on the other team gets hurt. Awesome)

2. "Over there its so quiet, over here its a riot. Walking in a Timber wonderland." (done to the Winter Wonderland tune, obviously)

3. "Oh oh oh oh oh oh....oh." (Done to the tune of the White Stripes "Wichita")

4. "When I root I root for the Timbers." (no tune at all...just yelled loudly)

Needless to say, I was hooked. I vowed then and there to buy myself a Timber scarf and attend every home game. Because, despite the fact that I know very little about soccer and at times found it a little boring when no one scored, I am pretty easily persuaded.

I will yell in righteous indignation when the official makes a mistake.

I will jump and scream like a fool when "we" finally score.

I will boo (yes, Mom, I'm sorry) when a player on the other team does something even remotely wrong.

Give me a cold beer, a good seat, a nice evening and I'm all yours.

Oh, and ladies, if you are ever in Portland and lookin' for love...I suggest going and sitting in the Army section at the Timbers game. The male-to-female ratio can't be beat.

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